Cashout Pre-Alpha 0.1

Changes in 0.1 include:

Plot introduction before the tutorial and in the future possibly before other missions 

Enemies have a question mark above them when they are close to detecting the player 

Explosive barrels deal damage to enemies from a greater distance and also alert enemies at a certain distance. 

Ability to change map brightness in Settings

New weapon - Assault Rifle 

  • 25 damage
  • 20 / 120 ammo
  • Fire rate: 0.1s
  • Medium spread
  • Bullet speed: 45

New weapon - Revolver 

  • 55 DMG
  • 6 / 48 ammo
  • Fire rate: 0.8s
  • Medium spread
  • Bullet speed: 40

UZI is the default secondary weapon

Walking animation while aiming

Enemy walking animation 

Enemies have a 15% chance to drop an ammo pack or medkit 

Crates have a 10% chance to drop an ammo pack or medkit 

Improved shooting effects 

Improved particle effects 

Separation of windows for Weapons and Skills 

New Cosmetics window 

Fixed table destruction effect 

Bullets pass through platforms and scaffolding 

Hangar map improvements for easier and more intuitive navigation 

Added a new enemy - Smoker. Armed with a pistol and smoke grenades, periodically thrown towards the player to reduce visibility and hinder movement. 

Explosive barrels deal more damage to enemies and slightly less to players than before. 

Graphic improvements for weapons and characters 

New main menu 

New mission selection menu 

New equipment menu 

New mission completion window 

New mission introduction window 

Introduction with new sprites and animation 

Ability to unlock another character (Snow White) 

Added 6 new achievements (Challenges) with rewards

Two difficulty levels: Normal and Hard

Added walking particles

Enemy aura only works on the Normal difficulty level

Added the ability to change brightness in the game (Settings)

UZI is the starting secondary weapon

Fixed tutorial bug with non-functional secondary weapons

Fixed bug with achievement upon defeating 3 enemies

Fixed bug with multiple random drops from crates when destroyed with a shotgun

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